New to Medicare?

Medicare Enrollment Eligibility

Medicare Eligibility

Age, Disability, General Qualifications

  • Who Can Enroll in Medicare?
  • Am I signed up Automatically?
  • Who has to sign up?
  • Where can I find if I’m eligible?

Morbi placerat massa ut urna tincidunt, at vestibulum velit tincidunt. Phasellus enim massa, volutpat id lacus bibendum, imperdiet elementum velit. Donec eu velit nibh. Integer a sapien sem. Nunc finibus tincidunt ipsum sit amet dictum. Integer placerat, ipsum ut finibus condimentum, lacus erat consectetur enim, ut vehicula mauris eros ac est. Praesent vel nulla commodo, convallis diam vel, mollis turpis. Donec dignissim lorem in eleifend hendrerit.

How to enroll in Medicare

Enrolling in Medicare

How and When to Enroll

You can only enroll in Medicare during three important timeframes: The Initial Enrollment Period, the Special Enrollment Period, and the General Enrollment Period. To find out more about How and When to Enroll.

Morbi placerat massa ut urna tincidunt, at vestibulum velit tincidunt. Phasellus enim massa, volutpat id lacus bibendum, imperdiet elementum velit. Donec eu velit nibh. Integer a sapien sem. Nunc finibus tincidunt ipsum sit amet dictum. Integer placerat, ipsum ut finibus condimentum, lacus erat consectetur enim, ut vehicula mauris eros ac est. Praesent vel nulla commodo, convallis diam vel, mollis turpis. Donec dignissim lorem in eleifend hendrerit.

Important Medicare information

Factors to Consider

Important Information/Factors

Will your Medicare plan allow you to keep your Personal Care Physician? What about prescription drugs? Making informed Medicare decisions is a complex task, be sure to consider these important questions and factors before doing so.

Morbi placerat massa ut urna tincidunt, at vestibulum velit tincidunt. Phasellus enim massa, volutpat id lacus bibendum, imperdiet elementum velit. Donec eu velit nibh. Integer a sapien sem. Nunc finibus tincidunt ipsum sit amet dictum. Integer placerat, ipsum ut finibus condimentum, lacus erat consectetur enim, ut vehicula mauris eros ac est. Praesent vel nulla commodo, convallis diam vel, mollis turpis. Donec dignissim lorem in eleifend hendrerit.

Medicare ABCs

Medicare ABCs


  • What is Medicare?
  • Cost basics

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for eligible beneficiaries 65 and older, and beneficiaries with a qualifying medical disability. There are four parts to Medicare (Parts A-D) that cover Hospital and Inpatient care, Doctor Visits, and outpatient care, private insurance companies that have contracts with Medicare to provide Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage. Most will only need to pay the 2024 Part B Premium of $174.70 per month for 2024.

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Medicare Part A

Hospital Stays/Inpatient Care

Medicare Part A covers hospital, skilled nursing, home health, and hospice care. Medicare Part A covers these services but not fully, and not all services. The standard Part A Deductible for 2024 is $1,632.

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Medicare Part B

Doctor Visits/Outpatient Care

Medicare Part B helps cover physician services, outpatient services, durable medical equipment, and other outpatient services. The standard premium for Medicare Part B in 2024 is $174.70.

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Medicare Part C

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Part C refers to Medicare Advantage plans. These plans incorporate your Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, and often Medicare Part D Prescription Drug coverage – into one plan. Medicare pays a private insurance company to provide your healthcare coverage with a Medicare Advantage plan. These plans must, at minimum, provide the same level of coverage as Original Medicare and may include a monthly plan premium. Medicare Advantage plans often include additional benefits not offered by Original Medicare.

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Medicare Part D

Prescription Drugs

Medicare Part D refers to Medicare Prescription Drug coverage. There are important restrictions and limitations that affect prescription drug coverage on a plan-by-plan basis. People with Original Medicare and a Medicare Supplement will need to purchase a Medicare Part D Prescription plan separately. For people joining a Medicare Advantage plan, a Medicare Prescription plan is often included with the Medicare Advantage coverage. You should note that if you decide to enroll late for Part D Prescription Drug coverage, a penalty may be assessed.

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Medicare Supplement

Medicare Supplement policies, also called ‘Medigap’ policies, help cover costs Original Medicare (Part A + Part B) don’t cover, including copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Supplement plans require an additional monthly premium in addition to Part A and/or Part B premiums, and are generally more flexible for out-of-network coverage restrictions carried by MA plans. Medigap plans do not cover prescription drugs – individuals in need of additional drug coverage would also need to enroll in a Part D drug coverage plan. Medigap policies are popular plans for individuals who travel frequently.

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Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

Picking the Right Option For You

Medicare Supplements vs. Medicare Advantage

Picking the Right Option

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Medicare vs. Medicaid

Picking the Right Option

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Important Dates

Important Dates

Initial Enrollment Period (IEP/ICEP)

This is the time frame most people sign up for Medicare. A seven-month period, starting three months before the month in which you turn 65 and ending three months after that month (assumes you do not delay in Part B benefits).

Annual Enrollment Period (AEP)
October 15 – December 7

Beneficiaries may switch plans or add or delete Part D drug coverage- New plans will be effective January 1 of the following year. Guidelines apply.

Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP)
January 1 – March 31

Medicare Advantage (MA) plan enrollees may enroll in another MA plan or disenroll from their MA plan and return to Original Medicare. Individuals may make only one election during period.

Special Election Period (SEP)

Special enrollment periods may apply for change of residence, loss of group coverage, or if your plan withdraws from the market for the upcoming year.

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Medicare Resources

Medicare Resources

Medicare Administration

Click here to get all the information you would need about official Medicare information, publications, apps, and more. Medicare is always reachable by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227, TTY users call 1-877-486-2048), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Get Help Paying

Trouble paying your Medicare expenses? Are your Medicare Part D Prescription Drug costs unaffordable? Click here for resources for helping pay your healthcare costs, including various programs such as Medicare’s “Extra Help,” Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs, PACE, SSI, and more.

Additional Resources

Click here to find additional helpful resources, including websites and contact information, for understanding Medicare, your rights, government/military benefits, and other helpful information.


Confused or unsure about Medicare and other health insurance terminology? Click here for a quick and easy definitions guide to specific terms and phrases used in Medicare.]


Medicare Education Center FAQs


Have questions about Medicare? You are not the only one! Read more here for some answers to ‘frequently asked questions’ about Medicare.

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