Factors to Consider

Important Information/Factors

Before signing up for any up for any Medicare insurance plan, consider the following, as no single plan is the right plan for all people:

  • Original Medicare (Part A + Part B) has NO out-of-pocket maximum spending limit, doesn’t cover vision services, routine dental care, or out-of-the-country medical expenses.
  • Who are your preferred physicians, hospital, and other healthcare providers?
  • Do you have any special healthcare needs, such as receiving outpatient services on a regular basis, or a history of frequent hospital­izations?
  • Are you covered by Medicaid?
  • Do you have existing coverage through an employer?
  • Can your medications be covered at the most affordable cost?
  • What are your travel preferences and lifestyle?
  • How do different plans compare in quality?
  • What is the right balance between monthly plan premium and cost-sharing?

I already have coverage, should I get Medicare Part B?

If you or your spouse (or family member if you have a disability) is still working and you have health coverage through that employer or union, contact your employer or union benefits administrator to find out how your coverage works with Medicare. This includes federal or state employment and active-duty military service. It might be to your advantage to delay Medicare Part B enrollment.

Remember, coverage based on current employment doesn’t include:

  • Retiree coverage
  • VA coverage
  • Individual health coverage (through the Health Insurance Marketplace)